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Filemaker pro advanced 14 mojave free recently upgraded my http://replace.me/20843.txt iMac 4. They opened fine with High Sierra Dilemaker tried that a couple times, but that’s not working either see attachment. At minumum, I’d like to recover the data – and then either continue using FMP or covert the data to excel.

Any ideas? Specific instructions will be much appreciated. Right click the file and увидеть больше it with filemaker Then if you want читать статью can export your data from the trial version or buy the latest filemaker to continue using it.

But you got me thinking of a different approach below and it worked! Thank you!! Success all around! Thank you. I was trying to open my old FMP14 files by directly double-clicking on them. Then I filemaker pro advanced 14 mojave free back to the FMP14 file on my desktop, and double clicked on it. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only.

Claris may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based по этой ссылке the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Claris can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficiency of any http://replace.me/27334.txt solutions on the community forums.

Claris disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Claris Community Use 114. Filemaker pro advanced 14 mojave free Loading. Register Login. Claris FileMaker. View This Post.

July 22, at PM. After upgrading from Mac OS What to do? Download Download. Show more actions. I’m on a Mac, so Frre have no “right click. Log In to По этой ссылке. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Ask a Question.

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Filemaker Crashing Since Mojave Update | Filemaker Not Working


I have only two choices: buy or burry. It would be a pity to trash all my developments which I am currently using. I have database that allow me to do all aquisitions for my lab by a mouse click, etc. I only hope that Filemaker realizes these issues and react appropriately. If I would have known of these issues with Mojave, I would have never upgraded the computer. You need a specific machine dedicated to testing any beta OS. Do not use this for any development work.

They cannot release any updates until the final OS is in public release. I am not complaining and I understand the risks of beta software. I am not blaming FileMaker for the problem. I asked if anyone else who was testing Mojave was experiencing the same issue. Any updates or new experiences with Mojave now that release is just a few weeks away? Specifically with FM You should not count on FM16 being supported on Mojave. Likely, but no guaranteed until FM announces compatibility.

Any until the public release is just speculation. That is just the way it is. Apple and FMI do not respond to bug advices only by advertising that Mo NDA to send in as email to:. Dark mode is running well with screen pictures that are made for.

FMPA 17 runs only for exec but not for dev. But shutttt Launch of macOS Why is FileMaker always so late to the game? Other developers are ready for Mojave, yet, the “subsidiary” of Apple is not.

This happens with every release, as if the beta has not been out there for months. I don’t get it. What kind of Mac is it? Yes, that’s sad. I also agree that there are many features or bug fixing in the task list but OS compatibility should be on top. FM want us to use the latest version, Apple want us to use their latest version. But we can not do that. I am not an apologist or fanboy for any particular piece of software or software company, but there’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and a lot for any development team and management to weigh when deciding how to allocate engineering resources.

On one end of the spectrum there are the Microsofts and Adobes of the world that have hundreds or thousands of developers. They likely have entire teams of dozens of people dedicated solely to working on compatibility for individual operating systems. On the other end of the spectrum, there are the little boutique apps and app developers who don’t have to support multiple OS-es, multiple OS versions, etc It’s a lot easier to keep up to date when your only platform is iOS. When a single person Clay can sit on the stage at a DevCon session and answer deep, thoughtful questions about the inner workings of FM Pro, how it communicates with server, how it parses SQL-style queries, etc Additionally, during OS beta cycles, the feature set is a moving target.

There is solid evidence that Apple drops features, APIs, etc I firmly believe that FM, and any software company, is doing all it can to make the best decisions on how to allocate engineering resources. They gain nothing by upsetting their customers, and gain everything by keeping as many of their customers as happy as possible. So anyway I, myself, will likely try it out this coming weekend when I have time to roll it back if it blows up on me, and not lose billable hours in the process.

I will reply with my experience as soon as I can assess. I’ve been listening to a number of podcasts, including the MacAdmins podcast. They have talked often about the number of very significant changes happening throughout the beta process with We have to ask ourselves, what is more important, zero-day support? Or continued development of new features. Whether we like it or not, the speed of development isn’t going to change.

FileMaker has the resources they have. And they put a VERY significant percentage of their revenue directly back into engineering. Keep in mind that ‘Mojave’ does not necessarily mean “voluntary update from an impatient existing user”; it could perfectly be a new FileMaker user who just own a brand new Mac; or an existing FileMaker user who had to buy a new Mac because the existing was dead. A compatibility update is planned. We are trying to hold off buying any new machines until after October, in case there is a hardware update.

Hey Josh, please be serious : this link was posted many times today, especially in this thread. What do you mean? The first 2 paragraphs talk about the planned update and timing. I too was tricked into reading it 4 times.

FileMaker was not able to provide solutions to these issues, so users have to wait for the promised November update to get everything sorted out. But before you do anything else, make sure to back up your files in case something happens. You also need to make sure that your Mac is performing at its best to avoid further problems. Take note that some of these solutions might work for others and not for some.

If nothing really works for you, you can either wait for the official November update or upgrade your FileMaker Pro to the latest version to get rid of all these issues once and for all. Image Source: www. Vic is a search engine optimization expert, helping to optimize websites to make them more user-friendly.

Vic is the one in charge of keeping our website running smoothly and efficiently, to make sure that our readers have a wonderful experience while visiting the website. Vic is a certified gadget freak who feels the need to surround himself with cutting-edge technology. There should not be a dot between. The file format for every version of filemaker since v12 has been.

Renaming file extensions is not recommended. Further on, they might expect to get an update price maybe not for v11, but for 14 – that is not soo old. Apple pushes a new os, users might think that filemaker as an Apple company Users might check some common sites for compatibility Very odd. And as suggested above, make sure the file extension is. I am afraid that I may run into trouble sending files to my customer. Reinstalling Filemaker would re-register file type associations. As for upgrades for 14, they were offered the entire support cycle for 14, and multiple emails and offers buy one get one free are sent out to registered licensees for discounted upgrades.

No information that there will be an update including Mojave compatility. I still struggle with this. Maybe, it’s a question of where to set the focus. Maybe there are more important things WIP with all the need of related tools.

If the daughter doesn’t have the necessary information – who else? I tried to vote it up but cannot access to your idea, get a “generic” error. Strange, seems to be broken. A three months period for achieving compatibility with a new OS version is fair game.

This should be the policy. If there is, for a particular version, need for additional time because of unforeseen difficulties, proactive communication helps a lot.

FMI should make sure that all resellers beginning with Apple proactively communicate existing compatibility limitations i. There could also be a ‘check system compatibility’ button right on the webshop landing page that gives direct access to compatibility information, or a technical FAQ like the one for licensing.

Both FMI and Apple marketing is all about the ease if of use. While I agree somewhat with your comment I think that the product is maturing at a faster rate then we have seen for some time. At last focus is being given to the issues that have prevented FileMaker use in larger scale projects – Clay had a slide that shows the underlying work that is being undertaken to remove the Java stack and replace with Node. JS for the server technology. This is a huge engineering project that will deliver many improvements in the coming years.

They have limited resources, have a seemingly somewhat hands off approach from Apple and a very active marketing team. It must be a struggle internally if you are in the engineering teams. I can second this. V 17 is a net improvement when coming from v 16 and we have to salute FMI for this notable exception: the left-outs in the server GUI. If marketing touts ease of use ahead of anything else, closing the compatibility gap with a new OS version within 3 months should be part of the planning.

If not, a disconnect between marketing and engineering becomes obvious. I do not think that a three months period is cool. There might be reasons for this – but it’s not cool because many people are waiting for new Mac’s I would also expect that FileMaker Go 17 is allready ready for the new 11″ iOS devices – they are not but this is a minor problem, it’s just the screen size that differs a bit.

Not only the missing [operators]. I have a very strange behavior in custom fonction windows too: Every click leaves a blue mark. Don’t upgrade??? Which is somewhat of a shame. Same with my 13″ MBAir. Louis, be happy, you can read the text. From my side, I got the most part of time blank screen. This is not my case, nor is FMP As far as plugins are concerned, this is not possible in all cases.

So I’m forced to deliver a runtime solution to it but no way to plot a graph in the Runtime version of FileMaker unless you add a PlugIn. Same for another more vertical application that requires the use of RSA coded headings, this is not a fantasy, it is the law for this application to be approved by the tax authorities.

It is still surprising that five and a half months after Mojave’s first rush, an Apple branch is not able to deliver a version that works properly on Mojave. Personally, I tried the first beta version of Maojave from June 12th. I mentioned this fact on a thread, the only reaction FileMaker was a threat on the pretext that I exceeded the guidelines of Apple DNA about beta softwares.

Again, I got the impression as I right now that FileMaker does not care about the advice of developers and users. Next year we will have the same state, in May a new version 18 of FileMaker that will be not compatible with the next version of macOS. I’m testing another environment like 4D to do the same thing as FileMaker. This is a huge investment that I made by learning how to use and then develop on FileMaker and I am very disappointed by the lack of engagement of the FMI with members of its community.

We got quite some customers running FM For some of them, going to 17 is planned, for some of them that’s not possible for several reason. I also got virtual machines, besides of the startup time really fine, fast and smooth enough for FileMaker. But not enough space on the ‘Air’ or on the touchbar MacBook. Mojave VM takes nearly a gig’s Excellent machine with crisp display.

Definitely true that budgets and resource allocation play a significant role in this. Budgets and resource allocation reflect priorities and when I see idiotic videos that must cost a lot of money I can’t help but reach the conclusion that marketing is winning those turf battles.

It is completely illegal, and rightly so, for Apple to give any of its subsidiaries a competitive advantage! It is not true to say that FileMaker is the only application with compatibility issues. Some never will! This is a major Os release, there are bound to be some wrinkles! The blog post certainly does not explicitly say “bury this in the community where only the most devoted users will see it” but it seems to be evident between the lines.

Also, it is worth noting that since September 24 the blog post has had only 25 comments where as this one began 2 days ago and already has triple that number. Thanks to your reminder about it, I now recall reading it and advising some of my clients to hold off until further notice, and the leaders of my local user group mentioned that the consequences are more serious for Server than for Pro. As to the number of engineers, perhaps you’re right that engineers is too much to expect. If that’s true, I’d like to start the bidding at The quality of some of the responses here shouldn’t be overlooked.

People complain about 17 being unusable in Mojave, which is not true. Lots of noise that doesn’t contribute to the discussion. As far as the number of employees, I think guessing veers into the “speculating” category that we’re asked to refrain from in the forums. I am good friends with many people at FMI and I don’t know how many. I don’t worry. I know they’re working hard to make the platform perfect for us.

We are in a cycle that will eventually be broken, because it always happens in IT, particularly as business and large organisations will not accept continous change, there will be a backlash and the likes of IBM and SalesForce, who have publicly been announcing their adoption of Macs, will kick back and demand stability and continuity. Apple will need to decide if it is only interested in consumers or leave business to Microsoft and Google, Linux or some new upstart as they did with servers.

Microsoft appear to have got it, with weekly announcements of new features gradually released within Office No fanfare, no version change, no backwards compatibility issues, just a quiet announcement of something new. AVLA gives FileMaker the same opportunity if they choose to take it, rather than an annual cycle of bug fixes and no new functionality. Currently, we have about 6-months opportunity to use the current versions of Mac OS X and FileMaker before the cycle starts again.

We have no responsibility or influence over these, many are in non-English languages. Even solutions that rely on browsers are not immune from compatibility issues, Safari v12 removed NPAPI, as did Chrome before, that has broken many things until they get fixed. Yup, higher complexity for us, not our users and cost, but none of the day-to-day issues being raised above.

We do feel the pain expressed here, but eventually the industry will wake up and smell the roses. Citing a famous sci-fi movie android: this is madness!

We came to the point were botched OS updates turn devices into bricks. So based on the current schedule Since a patch is expected this month. You are of course expecting the patch to fix the issues and not introduce new issues as has happened in the past disappearing scripts. Personally I’ve been running Server 17 on Mojave without too many issues except for remote user counts not being released.

I haven’t done any major development work in 6 months as I’m waiting for things to settle down before I incorporate new UI schemas. I enjoy developing and exploring now ways to utilise FM for our Business processes. But I will not complain to much after 6 years of service without a breakdown. I can’t care less than I do about not having metal on a machine which will run Filemaker Server for its whole life, without a screen attached to it.

This is not exactly what I call “without problems”, but it does allow clients having problems with their old macmini servers who HAVE to buy new hardware to get the latest MacMini , install High Sierra and run FMS 15 on it. Our clients do not care about having the latest OS from Apple. What they care about is to be able to replace a dying – worn out – old – machine with a new one and have exactly the same stuff they had working the same way they are used to.

Because for them Apple is a hardware company and Filemaker a software company. And this simple truth goes often forgotten. You’re welcome. Only a couple extra steps, since recovery mode is required for reinstallation anyhow. If there is any solace, WebDirect is compatible with Mojave If there’s one thing that OS upgrades generally don’t break, that is functionality of the web. Has the time has come to build for webdirect and ios only?

That might be the road happiness. As mentioned elsewhere, we have a couple few? We’ve now disabled the Mac OS upgrade notifications. FMP 15 is installed on those particular Macs and seems to be working fine, so they will stay there for now. The next version will be 17 unless our test group meets problems, then it’ll be This is business, not “arts and crafts” no offense intended to artists and these non-synchronized version cycles are costly.

As developers, we need to run older versions – as long as there are customers who are running those.. We do have VM’s, but it’s easier to work directly on the os of the machine, especially under macOS Windows is better, faster, will startup fast,. It was me who put the 3 months statement. There is no problem with the fact that these things require work and work takes time.

Then there is a target audience called ‘citizen’ developer’. People without an admins knowledge. For everyone and especially for a less tech-savvy audience, those incompatibility issues must be clearly advertised at the places the go to look.

Otherwise they get caught between Apples’ and FMI’s marketing steamrollers who both say: just use it, just go for it. Its all easy and hassle-free. Well, at times it is not, because of the compatibility issues.

To be clear: the problem starts with the OS vendor. FMI has limited power over this. But: the right information at the right time at the right place prevents people from getting trapped and is good customer care.

Again for a point of perspective, Microsoft broke their own software as per my original post. Their own update broke their own software and their response and eventual resolution was that a resolution would be released in 2-months. In other words, anyone using their own software, that they broke, had to go without for 2-months. Thank goodness the community within the above link saved the day. FileMaker are at the behest of Apple, who keep changing things without any continuity consideration, which has always been the case.

It is ironic that we have no Windows compatibility issues. By the way, this was delivered today and I’ve already found a really good use for it:. We’re introducing a new syncing model for sharing calendars in Outlook for Mac. These changes will bring improved reliability and performance of calendar sharing in Outlook for Mac based on the use of REST technology. This message is associated with Microsoft Roadmap ID: Older hardware? VMware ESXi 6. Many OS options there! And some older Macs can support various Linux distros – great tutorials a Google search away.

I really appreciate all the discussion that this has generated. Yes, it started out as a rant because I wanted the discussion to start and was hoping for exactly what has happened. Generally, a very civil discussion on the state of things and others’ frustration with the delay in the updates. I have read each and every response, and I have been thinking about them all weekend through today.

I have come up with a few things that I would like to throw out for consideration by the community and FMI if you are reading this. I’m just thinking about FileMaker for the next 20 years. I think as a community we need to keep an eye on FileMaker Today, Next Week, Next Year and when we build solutions for our clients, how long we can make them work and last.

Until then I will sleep well, thinking about your post. I’ll report back. This is one of the great benefits of going to DevCon. You can sit and talk with people like Clay one of the primary developers of the Draco engine , and other engineers. You can hear about the vision, what they are working on, and also as important, why they are not working on other things. This year, it was talked about, the underlaying technology.

They are make a large shift. The idea is that they can switch out the technology under the hood, and nothing changes for us. But it allows for both performance, and faster shifts when technology changes. It’s a long term plan.

One similar to other areas of the platform that have already seen massive under the hood changes. We are already starting to see the benefits of changes like that. We will also see more as new stuff is introduced into the platform. The development methodology is not terribly relevant to the product. FileMaker’s testing process is fairly extensive. That is the reason it takes so long. They do the beta testing, and go through the whole process.

Then when the gold master is updated, they do it again. And when the final shipping release happens, they do the process again. That would have caused some serious for many software platforms. I’m available should you have any questions. Feel free to reach out via PM.

Good call on the 8GB, much more cost effective to upgrade with 3rd party chips. Another strategy, should you buy additional units, or require more storage, is to use external NVMEs Thunderbolt 3 compatible enclosure.

Thank you jormond! This is valuable information. All this is invisible to those who did not attend DevCon. One important learning: you can have problems, delays. Be proactive in your communication. People customers will support you in any way they can. The worst thing to do is keeping silent and leaving people in the dark. They don’t have the time to do it in the Roadmap video, though it does show kind of where they are headed.

They are definitely in a hard place. They are being more transparent, and it’s been great. At the same time, publishing the info that I was able to glean during presentations, and side conversations with FMI staff, requires a lot of time. The more people they hire to what is essentially marketing, the fewer people they can have on the engineering team. So, for us, it’s a toss up.

We want more info, we want it easier to find, but we also want them working on bug fixes and new features to keep the platform moving.

I don’t envy that position. We try to help as much as we can. They are open to sharing more with us, and being more involved watch the DIGFM recent meetup , but that won’t likely happen until after this next release cycle. As I’m reading the replies to this discussion, a pop-up appears on the screen:.

As mentioned either in this thread or other related ones, we’re living in the golden age of FileMaker as far as I’m concerned. They’ve never been more open about what they’re doing now and what they expect to do in the future. I can imagine that no one has boring days at FMI. Hope they will maintain a reasonable ratio between engineers and marketing workforce. My sports was rowing and we had this joke:.

Boat race day. Boat 1 is manned by 8 rowers and one coax. Boat 2 is manned by 8 coaxes and 1 rower. Who wins? I salute them for having opened up. My guess is that communication can still be improved. Good points, I agree, but I wanted to add a few thoughts from how I have managed OSX on networks for companies in the past, mostly because you will be less stressed if you avoid it instead of fighting it. I have managed MAC’s on networks for years, really I do not release the newest OSX until at least 6 to 9 months after it has been released.

I do this because I just do not have time to trouble shoot their inconsideration when releasing a platform that will not work with other applications they also own or for that matter a third party may own, not to mention any potential security threats that have not been found yet. I have often thought that the new OSX releases should be bi-yearly with major updates to the existing ones yearly.

Really IT should not be releasing any OSX or iOS major releases yet, they should still be testing them out in their own environment before they hit anyone else. While I share your frustration that FileMaker Pro 17 isn’t yet compatible with Mojave, I would like to make a few points:.

I also use FMP 17 with Mojave, and it too seems to work fine. I had some initial issues with older plugins, but updates remedied that. I don’t use Mojave on any of my FileMaker Servers, and have always been slow to update server OS anyway, out of caution.


Filemaker pro advanced 14 mojave free


This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. Claris may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Claris can therefore provide no guarantee as to the efficiency of any proposed solutions on the community forums.

Claris disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Claris Community Use Agreement. Search Loading. Register Login. Claris FileMaker. View This Post. July 22, at PM. After upgrading from Mac OS What to do?

Download Download. Show more actions. I’m on a Mac, so I have no “right click. Log In to Answer. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Ask a Question. Compatibility: OS X Previous Versions.

FileMaker Pro 17 Advanced Featured Apps. Related News FileMaker Server Tags business. Comments 4. Thiago 27 August Do you have a FileMaker Server 17?? I wanna it very much!! I am using Filemaker since it came to the market Right now I am using Filemaker to run my own programs that help me to get big data in Biology analyzed


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